Martes, Nobyembre 19, 2013

emoscience: To some works define as the outcome of their time ...

emoscience: To some works define as the outcome of their time ...: some seen there job as time and effort. this are the things drives other people work less and less productive. this way of perspective or mi...

To some works define as the outcome of their time and effort, while it is the action of love and understanding.

some seen there job as time and effort. this are the things drives other people work less and less productive. this way of perspective or mind setting makes them to become stressful in doing job. although most of the them cause them into sickness. this are the way the temporal mind work in us. it push us to think these way. when we open our spiritual mind we think that our job is the action of our understanding. and it gives as daily productive both in work and in home. By Robert T. Sumalpong

Biyernes, Nobyembre 15, 2013

emoscience: psychological method of understanding

emoscience: psychological method of understanding: Psychological Method of Understanding Psychological understanding is a comm...

psychological method of understanding

Psychological Method of Understanding Psychological understanding is a communication that deals on physical observation of things. It is base on physical evidence of facts. Communication is nothing without psychological understanding. It gives life to communication. Most us uses this way of understanding to understand our fellowmen, family, world and the things happening to us. How I recognize this method of understanding? Since of my childhood I've been using this method because this is the way the world, the community and the school works. When I was studying I recognized that everything in the school that am I studying is base on the physical facts and the works of others. I study as the best I could so that I could get a good grades. And the teachers are giving me the right grades base on the result I given to them by the examination. That is one of the truth I learned in life that our understanding will be base on our learning we acquire. Yes! I accept the fact that most people who is successful in temporal things are those who uses this method brilliantly. Who study hard to get their first reward thing in life. As I grow up, I meet children in the street who are unfortunately did not go to school because of financial problem. Then I observe and communicate with them in the best I could. Asking them for something that will determine if still are they using this type of method on understanding the picture I shown to them. I give them some tricks of card and observe them how they deal with it. Then I seen their amusement of the tricks I did for them. Then I came to realization that they are also using this type of method for understanding things. My third observation is done on the three to six month old infant. I observe their reaction on the things I show to them. And the things they touch. Most of them has the same reaction on the things I showed to them and the things they touch. Then I came to a question “what is the things that drives us to use this kind of method in understanding?”. And the answered came in my research and observation. It is the “SENSESATORY SYSTEM” or base on the physical things we seen.