Miyerkules, Enero 15, 2020

The power of mind by: Robert sumalpong

Mind is the most powerful weapon that human has. It is the source of superiority. A mind with full of courage will totally succeed in every challenge of life. I learn from experience that life without courageous mind will totally ended up on despair. How someone used the power of his mind? Mind power comes with a knowledgeable Brain. To used the power of mind one must know how to obtain knowledge and uses that knowledge to become his wisdom in Life. How to used knowledge as a wisdom. There were so many people who are so knowledgeable in life but lack the wisdom to success in Life. Knowledge comes from different information that surrounds us. But wisdom comes only to those who has courage to take action of their knowledge. You may be knowledgeable in many things but you do not have the wisdom to make the reality on your knowledge. In the world of information age, people are so burdened by too much knowledge that the internet had offer. But only few people reach on the top of their success. Why it happened in that way? Do you ask yourself why I'm still doing things the same as what I do give years, ten years or twenty years ago. It sounds embarrassing that we do things again and again all over Time. It really sucks the life you are dreaming of. Many successful people talk about the power of mind and how they use its power to become what they are today. They said success begins with an idea to achieve great things. An idea that needed motivation time upon Time to never lose the focus on getting to the achievement they are now enjoying today. I seen how discipline they were in reaching the goal they put in their minds. Remember that the power of mind will never come by an empty mind or by unlearned mind. There were no problem if we are unlearned today about getting to the success we wanted in life; as long we are eager to learn the principles of being successful during the journey to that goal. This is what I do to powered my mind daily. I choose a motivational action each day in order to become nearer to my life goal. I keep motivating myself to step up each day just to get the small bids of success I wanted. I do it to keep my focus on what I dream of. Second I keep myself eager to learn about the things I needed in order to reach my goals.it is not easy to reach success but it is enjoyable to know that you are in the right path of own success. Learning is a principle of growth. Do not stop learning because learning comes in many different forms. It comes in painful way or it comes in a joyful way. Whatever form it is you must do everything to get that learning for the success you aim in your future. Take action on every learning you got in order to make your success shorter and faster.

Martes, Enero 14, 2020

How To Sell effectively by: Robert sumalpong

In my experience as a salesman I always encounter different forms of rejection and been neglected by customer or clients. There are different techniques that a salesperson do in order to get the attaintion of customer.and open the customers intentions to become a desire to create strong action to buy your product or service. In getting the attaintion of customers you need to become creative on your opening approach. The first five seconds of your approach will determine the customers trust on your intire meeting. Upon opening the intention of customers to buy your product or services you need to show them the sincerity of yourself in talking with them. Make sure they feel that they are Cared and love so that they would develop a desire to put their money on your product and services. When they feel those things during your meeting with them you will see the strong action of buying a customer had. Selling is not all about earning it is far more greater than earning.selling is caring and loving. You sell things because you wanted to share something important in your life and to the life of others. You sell things because you wanted to help them become satisfied and contented in life. That is why I'm in the sales business because I know how great selling is in the life of everyone's life. How to sell in the modern world. Selling in the modern world is totally different from before. In the information age selling become more faster and meaningless. Because of the fastest growing economy. People are so busy so they want quicker and faster way to buy. So if you are in these situations one thing people value upon buying things is Time. So the tool to sell effectively is Time value. They pay more just to have a faster and quicker services. Let them feel how fast and reliable you are in answering their need, wants and problem. Treasure their Time so they will treasure your Time also. Don't delay your response on every question they wanted. Let them see how fast and sincere you are to help them found answer on their need and wants. If you feel that you're selling is not what they want or need, then let them know how they will need it in the future and wanting it today. Show them the road of wants and needs on your product or services. Be clear on your objective in selling to them. And let them know how bless they are upon meeting you.leave a memorable moments to them so you will have repeat customers. Keep in mind that a happy and satisfied customer is a blood line of your product and services.