emoscience is the word derives from the science of emotion. this is all about the works and writings of Mr. Robert T. Sumalpong. this is all about how our thoughts and action can influence others in doing great things. emoscience is a place were you can learn more things about the power of emotion in shaping the growth of yourself, family, communities and the societies.
Biyernes, Oktubre 18, 2013
emoscience: ...
emoscience: ...: the science of emotion emotion has the power to make someone in good health and become a...
Huwebes, Oktubre 17, 2013
emoscience: Eye creating emotion
emoscience: Eye creating emotion: Eye We have to kinds of eye it is a physical eye and spiritual eye. It is a factor was we could show empathy and loneliness...
Eye creating emotion
We have to kinds of eye it is a physical eye and spiritual eye. It is a factor was we could show empathy and loneliness. There is a saying that say’s “the eye is the backbone of our soul.” our eye has a power to communicate the feelings of others. It simplifies our emotion that we are going to create. The eye has full of mystery which can’t be explain by our human understanding. Most of us are using this sense of seeing to create an emotion. We also use our eyes in observing others work. Many instance that our eyes are the source of our failure and our success.
While I am looking on the eyes of the infant I saw the world. It sounds weird but that is the things I've seen from their eyes. There are many words that can be used to explain our eyes. Many years ago I have a question in my mind why I've seen extra ordinary things. I ponder it carefully and questioned myself if those things are true. But I could not deny the truth of those things. Many times I look my eye in the mirror to observe what is really inside my eyes, upon looking my eyes in the mirror my whole body begun to tell my heart of who am I. I begun to feel many kinds of emotion and I don’t know how to deal with it. So I continue to do it many time to make myself become more aware of what really I feel inside. Until I begun to realize that I am communicating my inner self. Those times we came to know what kind of emotion makes us weak. And what kind of emotion makes us become strong. It is hard to communicate on your inner self. It takes more concentration and needs a lot of effort to be in tune on the things your spirit body what to tell to you.
Martes, Oktubre 15, 2013
emoscience: pure thought
emoscience: pure thought: pure thought is one of the principle of pure love. pure thought does many things to ourselves. it help us to receive new inspiration. pure t...
pure thought
pure thought is one of the principle of pure love. pure thought does many things to ourselves. it help us to receive new inspiration. pure thought reflect the things we communicate to other. we are send in this world because we had a pure thought before we came here. all things here in this world are pure so we must use it in purely mind. purely mind will lead us to personal peace. not only to our mind but the wholesome of humanity. being human doesn't mean we need to deal things negatively. we need to deal each other as what we think ourselves....oh how beautiful is the one who deal purely in her heart... being beautiful doesn't mean to have everything. being contented to the things we had there is a beauty beyond contented. although song gives beauty to our mind
also words of wisdom that we hear from our parents gives beauty to the minds of the listener. we are all listener to the pure words that God is giving us. everything in this world are words of God dealing for it. we are to understand that listening the words keep us into a healthy people. every word that come out to our mouth is the science of God's creation. sounds are the reflection of deeds.
Linggo, Oktubre 13, 2013
emoscience: four method of understanding
emoscience: four method of understanding: this method of understanding is very helpful to everyone. this methods determine what method each person use for his/her ways of understandi...
emoscience: four method of understanding
emoscience: four method of understanding: this method of understanding is very helpful to everyone. this methods determine what method each person use for his/her ways of understandi...
Sabado, Oktubre 12, 2013
four method of understanding
this method of understanding is very helpful to everyone. this methods determine what method each person use for his/her ways of understanding thing surrounding him or her. to understand the four method first we must understand our own self. now i will tell the four method what are this.
psychological method
this method uses the minds or in other words uses learning in order to understand the thing he is dealing of. most people use scientific method in order to understand the things they hear of read. totally we all use this method because we are use to science. although we may fail to understand the full account of life. we are created equally but we are not have the same ability in using this kind of understanding. many time i wonder how a person become successful in using psychological method of understanding? then i came to realize that in some point he will be successful but not all the time. for example the doctor of psychology does his study to understand the mean cause of someones illness. he do research to understand the cause of metal illness so that he could give the right medicine for his patient. although patient has his own reason why he become in that situation. psychological method always base on the physical things for understanding. it did not go beyond the physical things you seen or heard. yes! in a few moment this method has success but not all the way of growth. this method used by us sometimes and make us happy in a short time. psychological always give us knowledge on the things we encounter in life.
emotional method
this method uses the five senses in order to understand things. or in other words uses the emotion. God put our heart in the center of our human body because he wants us to understand that emotion is the system of understanding on his deeds and creation. emotional people always use there heart in understanding things that happened to them. we may wonder why our heart is located in the center of our body? this is one of the reason why love is present to us and to God. if we use emotion for understanding the surroundings this will lead us to enjoyment.
spiritual method
this uses the spirit within our self or spiritual things. spiritual method lead us to comprehend the things which can't be seen but we feel. in both heart and mind.
deep method
this method uses the three methods and also uses the wisdom of the three methods. deep method is the way we act us God in understanding. this explain the things how we use our knowledge in the three method.
Huwebes, Oktubre 10, 2013
emoscience: principle of pure love.
emoscience: principle of pure love.: pure love is the source of all good things happened to us. everything happened to us is the result of the love of our great creator. we live...
principle of pure love.
pure love is the source of all good things happened to us.
everything happened to us is the result of the love of our great creator. we live in this world to learn the perfect love. and demonstrate the love which our savior did to us long ago. there are principle of pure love which help us understand the meaning of life. life is not always enjoyment. it is not failure because failure has success beyond it.... Although we feel and experience the good and bad of this world but, it is the process of learning on each person to understand the love and atonement of Jesus Christ. the atonement is the profound illustration of Gods love...every business that is build by love are totally succeed in every part of there endeavor. so use love wisely for the good of each person and to the world.
Martes, Oktubre 8, 2013
emoscience: emotion
emoscience: emotion: Emotion it is the reflection of our mind. It is the way we think on the things we seen, heard, smell, taste and touch. Emotion is compose of...
it is the reflection of our mind. It is the way we think on the things we seen, heard, smell, taste and touch. Emotion is compose of many reaction. It is the science of our soul . Soul is compose of our human body and spirit body. It helps our physical body motivate in doing work. Emotion is the center in our daily activities. It is like a place where our brains is the center motor of it, and the emotion is the operator. It also helps our spirit to be connected to our creator. We communicate to others by using our emotion. Every day in our lives is like a class where we learn to handle emotion. Our lives is connected to our emotion if our emotion is gone then we are going to loose in the track of living life. Life is full of ingredient were emotion is the mean menu. It is like an electrical action of our senses to the brains. Sometimes the reaction is series and sometimes will be parallel. When the emotion is on the series reaction we are in the good mode. Our action will be more positive when we are in the series reaction. Parallel reaction is an emotion were our action not do well or in other words, we are on bad modes.
There are times our emotion pushes us to do something worthwhile or something not appropriate to our daily activities in life. This times will give us the ability to determine wither it gives us improvement or disgrace us in something which is reflect our whole being. Many time our emotion is taken granted because we never know how to deal with it. When emotion is taken for granted it has a great effects in our life. It also causes illness. And if our emotion is well taken care of it gives us good health. Try to look at on a person you know who so active and never care his emotion. Then totally he would stop being active on things he is been doing in life just because he never mindful on his emotion. And then he will end up with regret or pain. Pain and hurt are come because of not cared emotion of someone who is dealing with it. Is there any cure on emotion illness? The cure of emotional illness is controlling our senses.
Lunes, Hulyo 9, 2012
emoscience: 3 category of choice
emoscience: 3 category of choice: dicisions this is our first learning in life we are born to have dicision. each person has his on way of making dicision...http//robsumal53.blogspot.com
3 category of choice
this is our first learning in life we are born to have dicision. each person has his on way of making dicision. there are time we are put on the critical situation that need critical dicision. in that situation sometimes others make there dicision through there human instink while other rely on inspiration and some rely on experience. every one of us has this three type of making a dicision. human instink is base on humans conscouseness of way on dealin problems. while inspiration is base on emotions and guidance of God. and experience is base on sciece of human philosophy.
learning and growth
we are also put in the choices of learning ond growth of life. our learning and growth depends on the way we choice it. we can choose to read of or just listen to others teaching. there are three types of learning. feed learning, this learning are totally expereice by most of us. we grown by traditional type of learning were everything is already in our surrounding. in school we experience the systematic way of learning were i could it traditional way of learning. why i called it traditional way. because everything is patterned and our learning process is also systematically. other learning is called passive learning, this kind of learning are always happened to each of us. totally this learning is using our ears and eyes to gathered new learning habbits and skills. we usually used this kind of learning in our daily live. while the third learning choice is intrapersonal learning, this kind of learning are so intense to each of us most of the time the one who uses this kind of learning are genuis poeple. because they use there time in interpreting things that surround them.
liesure and lifestyle.
we are put in chioces in our lifestyle. every one are been given a time to choose of being conservatives, simple, or fashionate person. why we call someone a conservative? it is because of the way the dress, moves and conduct there selves to others. conservative persons are good in handling there selves to be respected to others the way they moves gives us an idea of dicipline. they keeps theresleves to be clean outside and in side.
emoscience: Definition of emotion
emoscience: Definition of emotion: Emotion it is the reflection of our mind. It is the way we think on the things we seen, heard, smell, taste and touch. Emotion i...
Martes, Hulyo 3, 2012
emoscience: Definition of emotion
emoscience: Definition of emotion: Emotion it is the reflection of our mind. It is the way we think on the things we seen, heard, smell, taste and touch. Emotion i...
emoscience: Definition of emotion
emoscience: Definition of emotion: Emotion it is the reflection of our mind. It is the way we think on the things we seen, heard, smell, taste and touch. Emotion i...
Definition of emotion
it is the reflection of our mind. It is the way we think on the things we seen, heard, smell, taste and touch. Emotion is compose of many reaction. It is the science of our soul . Soul is compose of our human body and spirit body. It helps our physical body motivated in doing work. Emotion is the center in our daily activities. It is like a place where our brains is the center motor of it, and the emotion is the operator. It also helps our spirit to be connected to our creator. We communicate to others by using our emotion. Every day in our lives is like a class where we learn to handle emotion. Our lives is connected to our emotion if our emotion is gone then we are going to loose in the track of living life. Life is full of ingredient were emotion is the mean menu. It is like an electrical action of our senses to the brains. Sometimes the reaction is series and sometimes will be parallel. When the emotion is on the series reaction we are in the good mode. Our action will be more positively when we are in the series reaction. Parallel reaction is an emotion were our action not do well or in other words, we are on bad modes.
There are times our emotion pushes us to do something worthwhile or something not appropriate to our daily activities in life. This times will give us the ability to determine wither it gives us improvement or disgrace us in something which is reflect our whole being. Many time our emotion is taken granted because we never know how to deal with it. When emotion is taken for granted it has a great effects in our life. It also causes illness. And if our emotion is well taken care of it gives us good health. Try to look at on a person you know who so active and never care his emotion. Then totally he would stop being active on things he is been doing in life just because he never mindful on his emotion. And then he will end up with regret or pain. Pain and hurt are come because of uncared emotion of someone who is dealing with it. Is there any cure on emotion illness? The cure of emotional illness is controlling our senses.
emoscience: example of the skin creating emotion
emoscience: example of the skin creating emotion: Why is that so common to everyone to love soft object? Our tissue, nerves and cells are soft so they are connected to soft object bec...
example of the skin creating emotion
Why is that so common to everyone to love soft object?
Our tissue, nerves and cells are soft so they are connected to soft object because they can easily produce chemical reaction upon connecting with soft things. It is like the food we partake , our digestive system transform the food we eat into soft and most of the time into liquid form so that our entire body and organs get the minerals and vitamins from that food.
why we determine the difference of the object we touch?
There are time our sense of touch function so energetically, that make us so touchy on the things we seen. There are also times we love to lie down on soft beds and seat on foam that makes us comfortable. There are time we love to stay in the water for long hours just to relax our body heat and to Colden our skin and to our entire body. Our sense of touch are the one who command our brain to do that. There are times our body want little heat from the sunset. Is our brain has the ability to make our body wanting that moment? Still our sense of touch has the ability to put us in that kind of situation. There are times we feel uncomfortable in some places we been through and we think of something missing in us because of the feeling we had in that moment. Still our sense of touch made that feeling of un comfortable. Because of the surroundings when our sense of touch is not familiar of. It sound very unusual to know that our sense of touch has done many things in our feeling and emotion. Literally speaking feeling is the kind of reaction what our sense of touch made. While emotion is the inside reaction of our entire being which is our own soul. That is why many people study about emotion had a hard time defining what emotion had done to human being in ancient times until in our modern time. Psychology, physiology and other study of human behavioral being had never told about the context of how an emotion was created. There are sayings that says. Emotion is complex and hard to be defined. But through my own study of emotion it can defined by your own self. Emotion is the inner reaction of the five senses from outside surroundings to our inner being or personality.
and if a man or a woman uses emotion to advance his/her being from other he/she may become successful in doing so because we are created by emotion and not by magic.
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