emoscience is the word derives from the science of emotion. this is all about the works and writings of Mr. Robert T. Sumalpong. this is all about how our thoughts and action can influence others in doing great things. emoscience is a place were you can learn more things about the power of emotion in shaping the growth of yourself, family, communities and the societies.
Linggo, Oktubre 19, 2014
four system that creates nature emotion by Robert T. Sumalpong
as i been observing these are the system that creates nature of emotion. psychological system is the system that creates reaction of the five senses which lead into understanding of reaction of everything. physical system is the system that lead people to learn and understand the physical aspect of all things. Emotional system is a system that teaches to level up the principles and attributes we understand. while Spiritual system is a system that teaches the Gods way of comprehension of things within us and in the world.
Huwebes, Oktubre 16, 2014
emoscience: emoscience: The emotional system that governs befo...
emoscience: emoscience: The emotional system that governs befo...: emoscience: The emotional system that governs before the creat... : the emotional system are the system of reaction, system of formation, sy...
emoscience: cells creation by Robert T. Sumalpong
emoscience: cells creation by Robert T. Sumalpong: when scientest understand how cells created and how it will die. they will understand that it is the system of reaction from emotion. whethe...
cells creation by Robert T. Sumalpong
when scientest understand how cells created and how it will die. they will understand that it is the system of reaction from emotion. whether it is from the energy and forces from within and without. it is called the process of emotional cells creation. every illness comes from emotion.
emoscience: The emotional system that governs before the creat...
emoscience: The emotional system that governs before the creat...: the emotional system are the system of reaction, system of formation, system of destraction, system of understanding, system of revealation ...
The emotional system that governs before the creation of everything by Robert T. Sumalpong
the emotional system are the system of reaction, system of formation, system of destraction, system of understanding, system of revealation and the system of energy and forces from within the light and darkness of comprehension. although these are some the things that I know and learn that make things possible through Gods wisdom and power. he created these system for us to learn and grow and to become like he was. to learn the principle of Godhood, humanhood, and all things that pertaining to his Glory and wisdom. although there are soo much to learn in life. most of us stuck in the path of human philosophy that hinder the gowth of our learning. learning is a divine design for us to grow both in all aspect of life and morality. the more we comprehend the secret which is hidden because of our unbelieving of the things from Gods purposes. we become unable to determine the through mesurement of each reactions on our life because of some unbelief of his Devinity. When scientest begun to embrace the truthfulness of the Gospel of God they will come to comprehend the true mesurement of each reaction that will lead to wonderful life. by R.T.S.
Huwebes, Oktubre 9, 2014
emoscience: the origin of thought and everything that happened...
emoscience: the origin of thought and everything that happened...: as i search for the origin of all things it always come back to my study of emotion. if all people understand the system of emotion they wil...
the origin of thought and everything that happened to human and all things. by Robert T. Sumalpong
as i search for the origin of all things it always come back to my study of emotion. if all people understand the system of emotion they will know the truthfulness of each things that they wonder. they will know the secret and mysteries of God through understanding the system of emotion. everything happened because of emotion. every scientific discoveries is only a result of emotional system of the mind. every illness happened because of emotional reaction of its organism. everything happened because of emotion. by R.T.S.
Martes, Oktubre 7, 2014
emoscience: Emotion(major factor that trigger reaction on emot...
emoscience: Emotion(major factor that trigger reaction on emot...: Major factor that trigger reaction As an ordinary person I been wondering why each person has different reaction on the things they...
emoscience: Four basic things to have in order to become succe...
emoscience: Four basic things to have in order to become succe...: right education how can we say that the education we are having will lead us to a successful life? I seen many graduates of any courses b...
emoscience: Childhood happiness by Robert T. Sumalpong
emoscience: Childhood happiness by Robert T. Sumalpong: this happiness has certain sub level. before I will tackle the sub level of childhood happiness. I will start with a question. What is child...
emoscience: emoscience: emoscience: Friction of Emotion by Rob...
emoscience: emoscience: emoscience: Friction of Emotion by Rob...: emoscience: emoscience: Friction of Emotion by Robert T. Sumal... : emoscience: Friction of Emotion by Robert T. Sumalpong : Friction of emo...
emoscience: Childhood happiness by Robert T. Sumalpong
emoscience: Childhood happiness by Robert T. Sumalpong: this happiness has certain sub level. before I will tackle the sub level of childhood happiness. I will start with a question. What is child...
Childhood happiness by Robert T. Sumalpong
this happiness has certain sub level. before I will tackle the sub level of childhood happiness. I will start with a question. What is childhood happiness? why it become the first level of happiness?
we all know that the first moment we experience mortal happiness is when we are at our childhood time. this is the time we learn how to smile and laugh. in childhood time we are learning how to react to our mortal life. our spirit body is adjusting to the things of this world. as a child our mind is pure. our happiness also is pure. you can reflect on the time since you were a child. you will remember those things that will make you happy. our thought are so direct. our action are funny. childhood happiness explain the kind of happiness that we ever dream of. as we grow up our course of happiness changes and that make our childhood happiness become the first level. as you reminisce the time when you are a child you will determine the differences between the happiness you want when you are a child and when you are in adolescence stage. this is also explain the needs and wants that you are having in life. to be happy in temporal things doesn't assure you in attain the highest level of happiness. becoming a most successful being in this world will not assure you in obtaining the highest wisdom of happiness that being presented in this book. There will be a tendency that you will follow your own principle that you learn in obtaining the highest level of happiness. But I could surely tell you that it will never work that way. we have different view about success. The differences of it will tell the kind of path that we are going to journeyed. for me the real success is the success that can tell you, '' I overcome myself and overcome the world by the way God presented to me." overcoming yourself need a combine knowledge that come from God and from yourself. at our childhood time, we already overcome the world through the humbleness of our heart. In our childhood we follow what are the things that our parents told us. childhood happiness is focusing on emotional connection with the parents and the surroundings. child happiness will come when they feel secure and love with the people who take care with them. there is extra ordinary of child happiness. when a child is happy it also influence the happiness of parents. I called that happiness as influential remedy of connection. influential remedy of connection because it gives an extra ordinary happiness to the parents or the people who seen the child happiness. the laughter of the child gives a remedy to the soul of the listener. it will color the life of the parents.
emoscience: Four basic things to have in order to become succe...
emoscience: Four basic things to have in order to become succe...: right education how can we say that the education we are having will lead us to a successful life? I seen many graduates of any courses b...
Four basic things to have in order to become successful in life by Robert T. Sumalpong
right education
how can we say that the education we are having will lead us to a successful life?
I seen many graduates of any courses been struggling to find a job. this situation says that most education that been acquired by every person is not intone with their talent. it is sad to say that many graduates is taken a course for them to get a diploma not to help them become successful in getting materials they wanted to have. by the way what is right education means? for me every education is right for us but not right for the kind of job, business or talent that will lead us to success. it will only help us discover the talent, job or business that will make us successful in temporal and spiritual things. to get the right education for success is to seek learning even by study of by work. in that principle you will discover the right course and talent that will bring you to a successful life. I can't say the right school for you to study to discover the right talent that you already have but I can see to you that the right school for you for learning is yourself. ourselves is a place where learning and knowledge is been stored. if we are mindful of every decision, action and words we made. we can see, how can we use the education we had for the success we dream of. right education is a training to us for obtaining the right knowledge and skills in order for us to get boundless success in life. right education doesn't mean only to study in big university but it is a right learning that you need in order for you to use the right talent you already have. one time I meet a man who trained people about doing business. he is good on giving lectures which come from the book of other entrepreneur who does business in their unique and systematic way. I listen to the lecture he did about improving business. until I realize that they ask everyone in the room to write down what they can do to improve their businesses. so everyone write down their idea on how to improve their business. as I observe most of them write down the systematic way of improving businesses that is been written in the book of entrepreneur. these are the reason why most businesses fail because they just follow what other business do. other build business same as other businesses already exist. that is why there are economic failure. some resources and talents is not been develop and used properly because they just follow what is being presented to them from the past and in the present. to create your own personality you must learn the past through living it not through the memory but by living it in the way you live in the present. and to improve the present you must practice living the future in the way the present is presented to you. there is a saying. " if you fail to exercise your goal you fail reaching it." you can not live your future dreams if you fail to work it today. and you can not work wisely today if you fail to learn it from the past. life is not only all about success and happiness it is also about learning and performance.
right talent
is there any right talent for everyone in order them to succeed? most successful people in the world did not recognize that their way of success is because they used the right talent they have that make them enormous success in life. talent doesn't only mean dancing, singing, writing, drawing, inventing, designing and teaching. there are so many kinds of talent that is not been fully develop by other people. the talent of creative thinking there is no proper procedure on how to develop creative thinking. but we all have this kind of talent creative thinking will help us discover new things and new talent.
this is the source of all the talent that being presented to us now. some are so good on story telling while others are so good in writing poems. you can not invent things if you do not have the talent of creative thinking. how can be wonderful when all people use their creative mind in making this world a better place. using creative mind doesn't mean will give a beautiful result. some people use their creative mind in doing bad things.
these way of creative mind is in the lower level of creative thinking. when you use your creative mind in doing bad things it will give you a failure not in your present situation but in the long run. these is what I called. " success act in failure result." they are successful in using their talent but in bad behavior. example of this is the scamper in the web. they used there creative mind to deceive other in order them to get gain. they are successful of their act but not until the end of there lives. they are just doing foolishness unto themselves. And will cause them into failure at the end of their lives. and bring them into sadness.
*what I mean right talent?
right talent doesn't mean you need to be the greatest of all who have that kind of talent. it is the right talent you can use in whatever field you wanted to go. some successful entrepreneur are not the greatest businessperson but they have the right talent in doing and improving their business. to have the right talent you must learn to practice being a right person in getting the right talent. sometimes we want to have a kind of talent which is been already own by other people. we want to copy other people success. copying other people success looses the real identity that we have as a person. we just follow the footstep of other people success that make us become blind of the reality of our being. our life is a puzzle that we need every pieces of ourselves in order for us to find our own success in life.
*finding the right talent
in finding the right talent we must bare in mind that every talent we discover in ourselves has significant role for us. and all of that talent is connected to each talent. it is an exciting and challenging time for us to find the right talent that will help us for a bountiful success in life. some of it will build our true characteristic, will help us determine our weaknesses and will tell what kind of person we are. sometimes we need focus and concentration for us to know the right talent that will bring us to progressive lives. we can determine the right talent we have when we know how to use it. and what is the role of it in our life and to other people? I have some tips on how to find the right talent that will help you become successful. these are the tips.
Step 1
"know what are your talent"
knowing your talent will be easy when you are observing yourself both the inner personality and the outer personality. it sounds difficult to do.
observing your inner being need self discipline and concentration. you need to be more attentive of how you internalize things. (or in other words how you materialize your thought.) you need to be aware on how you react on the things which is presented to you. there are people say that they know themselves more than other people know them. these statement will be true in the way of thinking they are using. the truth is you can not know yourself if you don't know how your mind and emotion works for you. you will only know yourself when you already know how to used your mind, emotion and spirit in living life. knowing your inner personality will be done by this way. enumerate your qualities, attributes, behaviour in the past and how you used your mind in doing things. write it down on the piece of paper. to know your outer personality you must know how you communicate to others. how you handle your physical body, how you socialize and cooperate to other people.
step 2
"know how can be use effectively"
knowing how your talent can be use effectively will be exciting. everyone of us want to know how can we use our talent in an effective way. to know how you must learn to study the technical and scientific part of the talent. make a list of possibility that will help your talent become different to other that have that kind of talent. make a list of personal experience on how you used it in an effective way. be open for other opinion on how you can use it in more effective way.
Step 3
"used it for your good and for the good of society"
using your talent for your good and for the good of society will help you grow in knowledge and make you more happy. this will help you become more intelligent in the field or work you choose to have in life. this will also help you become determine to do the next step of your life which is to make a business out of your talent.
step 4
"make a business out of it"
making a business out of your talent will become easy than making a business that is already existed. to make a business from your talent will be challenging at the beginning. you need to find the right people and right place for you to put up a business. you must know what kind of system and operation you must use in your business. you must know what type of marketing you will use for you to sale your business. you need to make a written goal of your business. create a catchy business name. some of the most successful business person are those who start their businesses from their own talent. one of the reason they are become successful because they already know what are the strength of the businesses that is build from your own talent. and one of it is you who own that talent. you can know how to handle the challenges that you will face in the future of your business because that is come from your talent. that is one of the advantage of the business that is been built by the owners talent.
step 5
"always plan for improvement"
planning for improvement is not and easy task. you need to know every aspect that is needing for improvement. you must need to evaluate every steps along the way so that you will know what are lacking and what kind of improvement you need to do. you need to write all the events, success and failure you are experiencing. planning for improvement is very good habit to have. it will help you become greater person and will give you more success. it will also help you become a person you really dream of in the future.
Right people
in order to have successful life we must bare in mind that we need right people to work with. every person we meet are essential to the success that we are going to have in the future. it is not easy to find the right people sometimes right people are those people we are neglecting. Be positive in finding the right people that will lead you to success. along the road of success you will meet many people that will help you reach the kind of success you want. some of them are those who turn down on you.
who are those people?
*First family*
they are the people who trust you on your ability and your personality. first of all is your family. they know you more than you know yourself. family will always be on your side whether you fail before or in time of trials. they will help you build your personality. sometimes our family build our personality not the way we want to. there are times our family will not agree on the things we feel right for us to do. But don't be angry to them instead make it as a challenge on yourself. Maybe they have some reason, why they don't want you to do the things that you feel is right. Listen for their point on why they don't want you to do the things you wanted to accomplish. And you will have and idea on how to make sure that you will accomplish the things that you feel is right to do.
*Second Real friend*
In life we meet people that will become our friend. They come in our life in adventure and exciting way. we have friend that are passive and friend that are real. passive friend are those who want you because they want something from you. they will be with you in time of fun but not on time of trials and failure. To have real friend you need to be a real friend to your friends. There is a saying that says. " do unto other what you want other do unto you." these saying is really true. Because we are bound by laws, our action will also reflect the action of other people unto ourselves. Real friend does not see you on your outside appearance but they see you on your inner appearance. They are those people who are true in dealing with you. They did not expect something from you or want anything that you have. they are those people who is willing to left you up and bring you to the success you really wanted in life. they will be sad when you feel lonely or distress. Those friend will help you become aware of the danger you will facing in getting your success. They will give you time on listening your idea, concerns, and problem. They would help you overcome your trials and make your failure a success.
One of the perfect friend I have in life is our lord Jesus CHRIST. He is the perfect example of real and true friend. Everytime I reflected on the things he done for me and to all people it give me a courage to be a kind of friend that he was. He is always there for me whether in my darkest hour or in wonderful time. He teach me the way of doing sadness into happiness, failure into success, trials into blessing, laws into understanding, pride into humility, anger into peace, nothing into bountiful, negative into positive, bad into good and hate into love. those are some of the things he teach me in life.
*third teacher*
there are many different teacher we can encounter in this life. teacher that we can meet at the school. Most people will think that we can only find teacher in the school. teacher who teaches in the school are teacher by profession. These are the kind of teachers who teach us about secular learning. Some teacher we have in life will be our partner in life. our companion in life who teaches us about emotional part. Maybe your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, parents, brother, sister, co-worker, boss, manager or friend. These are the people who will teach you in different aspect in life. Maybe they are one of the people who can discover your talent and help you to become the best of yourself. Some teacher will teach you on how to use your hidden talent. other people will teach you how to organize and materialize your idea and talent.
Finding the right teacher for your success will be so difficult. There are many people who conduct seminar, training and teach about success. But why most of those people who attain for the seminar did not achieve the success they want in life? Seminar and training about success will be good to have. But it doesn't mean you will become successful because of that seminar and training about success. Yes! you can gain knowledge and principle that is being thought in the training and in the seminar but you must to work out an apply it in your life. What can I say is teach yourself the right principle for your own success. In other words you are the right teacher for yourself. you must be the right learner and the right teacher for success for you to become successful. If you are prepare for success it will follow you whenever you go. You can not express your talent effectively unless you know how to become a right learner. And you can not build a business out of your talent when you don't know how to teach yourself. You can not teach effectively to other people if you don't know how to teach yourself. And the more you can not improve yourself if you don't know how to teach yourself.
teaching yourself is not easy to do. You must learn first how to accept the fact of yourself, your situation and your imperfection. You need to have an open mind and humble heart in order for you to become an effective learner and effective teacher for yourself and to other people. There are people who are good in teaching other but not good in teaching themselves. I called those as deceiver of themselves. Most of us want to teach other the way we wanted ourselves to become. It is not proper to teach other the way your thought wanted to say. Teach other the way your heart wanted to say. If you want to become successful in life, teach yourself the language of success not the success that is been told by other people but the language of success that your heart and mind say to you. You need to know the things that you will be needing in order to have the right learning on yourself. Sometimes we wanted to have a kind of success that is not for us. There are time we are jealous of what other have in there lives. these things will blind ourselves of what we really need in order to become successful. Open your mind and heart for the truth of yourself and learn of it. Be optimistic in all your doing. Enjoy your journey on getting the kind of success you wanted in life. Don't be afraid to fail. Failure are made for everyone for learning on how to be more wise on the next step you gonna do. Learn to appreciate failure and make that failure your success.
*Finding right people*
To find right people for your success you must need to know these question as follows below.
*what kind of people you are looking for?
-make a list of the quality, personality and behavior of the people you are looking for.
-write down the standard or qualities of the people that you need.
*who are those people?
-make a list of the people you know that could help you for reaching your success.
-write down the names of the people you meet in life and those people you never meet that can help you for you success.
*How can they help you in terms of your goal for success?
-write down all the possibility that they can do in helping you for your success.
-write down the tools, materials, gadget and talent they have that could help you in achieving goal for success.
*what are their standing in life?
-write down their position in life, their belief and their standing.
*Do they know your plans?
-talk to them your plans and ask them for suggestion.
*how can they contribute on the success you really wanted?
-write down the possibility or events that they can give to you.
-know there contribution before for other people who had the same talent you have.
-know there specialty and skills that could contribute on your success.
*where can you find them?
-write down all the possible places that you could meet them.
-make a checklist of each places that will be possible to contact them.
*when is the best time to talk to them?
-know their schedule.
-make and appointment to them.
-and practice to write down your daily activity in life.
Right place
There are right places for you to succeed. Placed are essential for the kind of success you will have in life. I heard other people that say this world is unfair and full of competition. For me this world is not unfair only the human being made unfair behavior. competition come only because of the natural thinking of human. This world never created competition only the people who does compete from one another. every place will be the right place for you to succeed whether in learning or accomplishing your goal in life.
Finding the right place
finding the right place for you to become successful will be a challenging moment. You need to study the place if that will suit your ability, business, work and talent. You must need to know the history of the place. Like putting a business in a certain place you need to find out if the business you will put in that place will suit the needs and wants of the people in that place. Some business man called it as positioning your business. It also applied in using your talent. You can not use your talent in swimming if you are in the middle of the forest. That is the simple illustration of finding the right place. there are talent that can work in any places depend on how you use it. Right place is important in achieving your dream in life. It will help you maximize your ability and talent in doing your work for success. There are right places for each of us to succeed in life. We must need to seek the right place for us. For me seeking the right place will be easy if you already had the three basic things for success. But to become successful in life is like passing in the hole of the needle. You need to have organize everything. You need to organize the learning, effort and time. These are the tips for finding the right place for success.
Know the place
In building a business first thing you do is to study the place whether it will be right for the type of business you are planning to create or it will be not the right place for the type of business you plan to create. In business student it called as feasibility study. Feasibility study of the business only deal on positioning your business, if marketable, it also deal on the past concerns of the business and the solution of the concerns. entrepreneur called it as Innovation. Innovating everything just to answer all the concerns of the past. Innovating the business means innovating the system, the marketing strategy, the product and services, the operation and the position of the business. these are the basic things that feasibility study does in the business.
In finding the right place, feasibility study will also apply. But the scoop of study you need is much bigger than the feasibility study of the business. knowing the place will help you become better in achieving your success in life. You can better use your talent and skills when you know better about the place. That is one of the reason why it is important for us to know the right place in order to become successful in life. Many of the most richest people of the world start from zero in their pocket. The only thing they have life when they start to reach their financial success is the right education, right talent, right people and right place. Money will only follow when you have this four things in life.
history of the place
Studying the history of the place will help you determine the kind of help that you can have in that place in order for you to become successful. It will also help you know how to maximize your talent and skills. It will give you a right perspective on how that place will become in the future. and how your talent and skills could help that place improve.
how can you know the history of the place? (this are the basic steps to know the place.)
-ask the local people who stay in that place about the history of the place.
-in our time now we can search the history of each places in the Internet, but there are places that never been research about the history of it. so you need to do the first thing that I write.
-go to the history center of the place, it may be inside the city hall, barangay hall, state center hall. and ask for the history of the place.
-ask for the map of the place whether it will be rural map, state map or national map. Gather all the information you get about the history of it. Write down all the major area of the place, where the events and happening been created that make that place a right one for you to start building your success.
strength of the place
It is so important to know the strength of the place for you to become successful. Knowing the strength of it will help you determine where to start your business, work, company or using your talent. Many advantages you would know on your part because of knowing the strength of the place you think is the right for you to build up the kind of success you really wanted in life. It is like studying in the school when you know where part you are good of, you will surely end up successful in the part where you are good on doing. These will be some example of the strength on the place you are looking of. The strength of the place will be the center of the area that is the center of the trading of each business, it will be the tourism part of the area, the source of living in the place, maybe the natural resources of the place or maybe the people of the place.
weak point of the place
knowing the weak point of the place is so essential for you in order to become successful. this will help you know how to handle the possible challenges you will have in the future. It will help you know how to use the weakest point of that place become one of the strength of the area. maybe the weak point of the place will become the good spot to start building the kind of success you dream of. Sometimes we think that the weak point of the place will be not a good place to start building our success. But there are successful people who uses the weak point of the place in starting their business and they end up successful. Other uses it for their advantage in reaching the wonderful success they plan in life. using the weak point of the place for your success will be challenging. You need to know the things that you need in order for you to use it effectively. You need the tools and materials for you to use the weak point of the place. You need to make a study on how to use it in effective way. You need to know what are the danger in using it. And know how to prevent the danger you will be having in the future.
Being a student before I learn that each school has different weak point. And even the student. There are school that are weak in policy making, weak in the methods of teaching they are using. While there are student that is weak on having a focus mind. They could easily be distracted by the noise of the place. Until the time that I learned they are making solution on the weak point. And they make it as one of the strength of the school. It is like on yourself you will find out that you have many weak point that hinder your success in life. You will find ways on how to make your weak point become strong. I heard one of my friend before that says. "your weakness will become your strength and your strength will become your weakness." There are time that your weakness become your strength because of the learning you will gain in life. And your strength will become your weakness because of the success you get from your strength it will make you become more confident and will make you forget to improve your strength that cause your strength become your weakness in the future. always be mindful on yourself and always have an evaluation on yourself daily for you to improve in all aspect of yourself. always spare time of each day for your self evaluation. these would help you become organized and become more wiser each day.
know the people of the place
knowing the people of the place is part of your task in knowing the right place for you to succeed. You can not work effectively on your success when you didn't know the people. It does not mean you need to know them personally or know all about them. To know the people of the place that you think is the right place for you to success will help you become wiser. It will give you assurance that you will provably succeed. It doesn't mean you need to know each person of the place or everyone in that place. Just know their way of living. Their way of communication, their perception about life and success. It doesn't mean you need to interview every person in that place. Just make a simple observation on the people of the place that you think it is the right place for your success. You need to know the kind of leader they have in that place. And don't forget to know the policy and laws that they are having in that place for you to be aware of how you could build your success effectively. knows the restriction and the code of conduct in it. There is a saying that says. " the more you know the people the better understanding you will get from them."
There are time in my life that I go the place that I did not know who are the people I will meet. I learn that it is hard to communicate to them when we don't have any Idea of, who are they? and what kind of people are they? It is like taking an exam that you never know what type of exam you will have. Or working without knowing the kind of work you will do. It is like planning without the plan.
resources of the place
Resources of the place is very important thing to know in order for you to know how to become successful in that place. It will give you an idea on how to use your talent and the resources of that place work together for the success you wanted in life. There are places that did not use their resources for the source of living on the people of that area. And when you discover that your talent and the kind of resources of that area will give you an enormous success in life in the future, grab that opportunity don't wait other people to discover it before you will start to build your success, whether in making business or in making a product out of it. Bare in mind that you are not the only person who want to become successful even the people of that place also wanted a successful life. So when you find the right place for you to succeed and the right resources to use in order for you to accomplish your goal, then start building the success you really dream in life.
Resources are very important for our success. There are resources in some places that never been use because the people of that places did not know how to use it, in converting it to become the source of income. This is one of the challenge that most of us have in life. There are herbs that never been discover for there right usage. There are some elements that never been use properly for the good of life. This will be the challenge that you and I need to work on for making this world a better place to live on. We don't need to become a great scientist for us to discover the right usage of each resources and elements. Some scientist accidentally discover the usage of the things they are studying. I did not write this in order for you to become like the great scientist. My point is we can find our own way in using the resources we know that never been used. I did not write this to complicate your life but I write this for you to know on yourself how to discover the usage of resources in simplicity. Most of us make simple things become complicated. As I observe the Invention of some great scientist they do it in simple way. They look at the things in simple way and try to make a product out of simplifying the things that other look at it in complicated way.
In ancient times they have longer life span because they know how to use the resources they have in simplicity. We learn the usage of some herbs because of the ancient people. Maybe there are plants and herbs that we never discover that our old people been using effectively for certain illness.
Our water and atmosphere become polluted not because of how ancient people did before. but because the kind of living we did few years ago. We never anticipated what will be the outcome of the chemical, elements and the resources we use to improve the kind of living we have today. Our life is bound with elemental reaction that most of us did not understand. And the time we understand the reaction of each element that composes our life, we will become more wiser on how to use it for living life. These are the reason why we need to know the resources of the place that we think it is right for us to succeed. We need to know how and why we need that kind of resources for our success. Knowing the how and why of the resources will lead us to use the creative mind that all of us has. The more often we use our creative mind the more productive we become in life. Like the well known entrepreneurs in the world they always used their creative mind for the improvement of their lives and because of their creative mind they build businesses that help other people to have job and elevate their living. They did that through the knowledge they gathered from the resources in certain place. They use their creative mind to maximize the usage of each resources they can get. When we know the resources we can get from the place, that we think is right for us to success, we can possibly create a material, product or tools out of that resources to make our dream success happened. I heard some people say that. " If you are a resourceful being you will provably end up happy and satisfied each day of your life. And will help you understand the simplicity of life." to become resourceful does not mean you need to become genius in order for you to use the resources that is been in your place. It is about using the resources you know in the simplicity of using it.
Lunes, Oktubre 6, 2014
emoscience: the secret of each gospel that God has given time ...
emoscience: the secret of each gospel that God has given time ...: each Gospel that is been thought by the lord to his people are for the goodness of life and eternal joy to each human being. time upon time ...
the secret of each gospel that God has given time upon time By Robert T. Sumalpong
each Gospel that is been thought by the lord to his people are for the goodness of life and eternal joy to each human being. time upon time God give guidance to each people through his revealed truth. each truth that is come from God is his Gospel of guidance and joy to everyone. we are seeking the eternal joy in this world and in the world to come. even though God is teaching us to experience the eternal joy he had experience in his life. I invite everyone to seek the Gospel of eternal Joy that God is teaching in ancient times today's time and in the future time. learn and experience the joy that God has experience through the Gospel of eternal joy.
emoscience: Three types of person (the science of emotion) by ...
Three types of person (the science of emotion) by Robert T. Sumalpong
In this world we are free to choice what type of person who could became. The only thing we could do is to master our self. Why we need to master ourselves? We master ourselves in order us to be more productive and to understand the things that is happening in our surroundings. To master ourselves is like passing the needles hole. We need to conquer our self first before we could drive in our action and our thoughts. In reality it is so hard to defeat our own self. We need to accept our weaknesses and our imperfection; we need to pass many trials and error to realize that in this life we are useless if we don’t struggle our growth in both temporal and spiritual things. In other hand, others may say that they are successful enough because they had much money; they have wonderful works, own big businesses, well known to the public and had a rich family. Successful person are not base on their standing in life. Many of us say’s that the riches person’s are successful, in some point they will but not totally successful because they have problems and things they wanted to accomplish. A successful person’s are those who know how to handle and balance the four aspect of life which is mental, physical, emotional and spiritual life. There will be questions raise on how to balance these four aspects of life. When we born in this world we don’t know anything, we depend on other person’s help to learn the things in this life. Why we need them? We need them to learn the things in this life. The first thing we learn is the emotional part. As I observe the infant child when they open there eyes they look for something in need. The mother cared for them and they feel secure of it.
They learn the science of emotional things through the care and love of the family they had. It is wonderful to feel that all of us pass that stage of learning. We manage our emotional behavior through the things we heard, feel, seen and we taste. We learn to use it when we are at our infancy.
It is nice to hear that we are taught the emotional part by the people who surround us during in our infant stage. The child who masters it will be more effective on relationship. He will be an open minded on the feelings of others. Most of the time they are compassionate person, they are masters in socializing. We feel them through their eyes. The way they talk to us. They talk from their heart and not from their lips. They are thoughtful and loving. We can develop that part of our lives as long we are alive. This ability is not born with us it is learned. To learn this we must follow the step of emotional teaching. Is this being studied? Yes! It does. Many of us studied it informally. If our parent or guardian being mindful of our emotional learning, I’m sure no one would be suicidal when facing difficult problems in life. Many beings come to prostration and cause them to do inappropriate behavior because they lack the ability of managing their emotions. Sometimes they use drugs, drink alcohol, use cigarette even commit adultery just to lighten their burdens. What the step are to masters this? First we must practice our listening skills. Practicing this, need to focus on the feeling of other and connect it to our feelings. How to connect the feelings of others to us to? It is putting our mind into the mind of others who had done wrong, experience grievousness and who felt lonely because of losing a job or love ones. We may put our self into the one who won the games, got their new jobs, Win lottery or got a new valuable items. Mastering emotion is like a child who practice to walk. Many times we stumble before we master to walk. The one who pass many burdens or trials are most likely the one who would manage emotion perfectly. They are they who could understand the science of optimism and diligence. What is the science of optimism? It is the way of dealing problems patiently and lovingly. It will give the mind and heart healthier; it will widen the understanding of a person. Emotions are the reflections of our minds; it provides us the ability to manage good health. An emotional person is the one who gain hurt. They have a soft eye that would cry to someone’s problem. Anger, jealousy, pride, envy, shyness and sadness are type of emotions that cause problem in our health. This type of emotions is most likely cause damage on our metal health. Every one of us experiences this kind of emotions.
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