Miyerkules, Pebrero 4, 2015

emoscience: the four basic core of healthy lifestyle by Robert...

emoscience: the four basic core of healthy lifestyle by Robert...: spiritual laws, physical laws, psychological laws and emotional laws are some of the examples that is connected to each other and when one o...

the four basic core of healthy lifestyle by Robert T. Sumalpong

spiritual laws, physical laws, psychological laws and emotional laws are some of the examples that is connected to each other and when one of it has problem it will cause certain illnesses. in my observation of these four basic core of health it is has a connection to every illness of human being. even the illness of environment has come from these four basic core of health. although cells and energy is in different aspect of laws but still runs by these four basic core of health.

Lunes, Enero 5, 2015

emoscience: emoscience: Four basic things to have in order to ...

emoscience: emoscience: Four basic things to have in order to ...: emoscience: Four basic things to have in order to become succe... : right education how can we say that the education we are having will lea...

Miyerkules, Disyembre 31, 2014

Sabado, Disyembre 27, 2014

emoscience: psychological happiness by Robert T. Sumalpong

emoscience: psychological happiness by Robert T. Sumalpong: Psychological happiness In 2007 as I arrive at the Missionary Training center i learned the way of missionary i learned that being mi...

Huwebes, Disyembre 18, 2014

emoscience: The science of creation by Robert T. Sumalpong

emoscience: The science of creation by Robert T. Sumalpong: The Science of Creation these are the things that need to considered and need to be pondered. Everything in the w...

The science of creation by Robert T. Sumalpong

The Science of Creation these are the things that need to considered and need to be pondered. Everything in the world, Universe, life in mortality, life behind mortality, the governing of laws and principles of everything (human body, elements, matters, minds, sounds, words, languages, movement, light, energy, forces, living and non-living things, reflection, reactions, mass and life and death.) These are some of the things that the gospel of creation did not really explain in the Scriptures but God give understanding of these things to those who are spiritually discern, to those people who had humility and are seeking wisdom from above. There are instances that we are blinded from the reality and divinity of Gods wisdom because of our pride. Pride that comes from the intellectual reaction of psychological and physical mind. To those people who think that there is no God? hope you would reexamine the reality of life, ask yourself how your life experiences sadness, joy, failure and success? hope you will have enough time to understand the mystery of your life. these are some suggestion for you to learn the mystery of life, the origin of your life, the growth and progress of your life, the beginning of your understanding and the change on the way you understand things. These are some of the simple things that will help you better understand the sacredness of your life and each experience you will have on life. this things are good for learning and for a peaceful life. this are some of the things i learn of how mysterious is the creation. as we see that light come out because of some part of laws of matters and elements which is interacting to each other which produces energy of light and when the reaction diverted it produces darkness the energy force changes into the causing of each matter and elements to change his result. if we ponder those things will found out that the light energy has its computed time spanned and space. and when that time reach his calculated space it will changes his course and reaction. by R.T.S.

Biyernes, Disyembre 12, 2014

emoscience: The secret of Gods laws in heaven and in the world...

emoscience: The secret of Gods laws in heaven and in the world...: in my almost 30 years of existence in mortality i come to realize some of the secret of Gods laws. I learn to understand his laws and the di...

The secret of Gods laws in heaven and in the world by Robert T. Sumalpong

in my almost 30 years of existence in mortality i come to realize some of the secret of Gods laws. I learn to understand his laws and the difficulty of it. I learn to comprehend the four basic things of channel for learning and understanding of his ways. these are the four basic things he use to make us learn to tap his wisdom and his mind. we must learn to determine the greatest tool of these four basic channel for understanding. these are the psychological, physical, emotional and spiritual. but most of us uses the psychological which Satan uses to deceive all human being from the truth and divinity of the works of God. psychological channels are the things that will create different perception, cause chaos, confusion and make humans do crime. hope everyone would understand and will learn to master their psychological channels for them to choose a better life and wonderful future.

emoscience: Basic Laws and principles of creation by. Robert T...

emoscience: Basic Laws and principles of creation by. Robert T...: these are some basic laws of creation. the laws of thought, laws of organizing, laws of action, laws of reaction, laws of emotion. these are...

Sabado, Disyembre 6, 2014

emoscience: Basic Laws and principles of creation by. Robert T...

emoscience: Basic Laws and principles of creation by. Robert T...: these are some basic laws of creation. the laws of thought, laws of organizing, laws of action, laws of reaction, laws of emotion. these are...

Basic Laws and principles of creation by. Robert T. Sumalpong

these are some basic laws of creation. the laws of thought, laws of organizing, laws of action, laws of reaction, laws of emotion. these are some principles of creation. principles of love, life, death, mortality. these are some of the things that is been use for creation. if you want to know the laws and principles of creation look my book the science of creation.

Huwebes, Nobyembre 27, 2014

emoscience: emotional method of Understanding by Robert T. Sum...

emoscience: emotional method of Understanding by Robert T. Sum...: Emotional method of understanding is an understanding that is been stored to us by the forces and energy of nature. It is the way ho...

emotional method of Understanding by Robert T. Sumalpong

Emotional method of understanding is an understanding that is been stored to us by the forces and energy of nature. It is the way how we understand things through our human nature that cause our entire being to understand the feeling of other creature and to our surroundings. We acquire the knowledge of emotional understanding because of the feeling that our natures and the humanity is being design. Sometime we just neglected the knowledge that our surrounding give to us. We are not mindful of the learning that our surrounding gives to us. On how our surrounding, educate us in our emotional part and psychological part. Other people may say that emotional part of each human being is a natural happening to everyone. For me emotional part of our being is a learning process that needs to be cultivated and need to be explore. In order for us to better understand life and how to live happily. Some called emotion as the chemical reaction causes by our mind command. But as I observe I found out that emotion is created through our senses reaction. We get mad not because of our mind setting but because of the response of our senses detection. We get mad because of what we seen, heard, taste, touch and smell. This is common to every creature. There is two type of emotion positive and negative emotion. Positive emotion is an emotion that brings our self-healthy. Negative emotion brings our self into unhealthy being. Although we experience all these two type of emotion. It gives us learning and brings us more wisdom on how to manage emotion. Being human we are prone in those negative emotions just to open our mind through a higher level of understanding of life. We can’t have a perfect knowledge of pain if we did not experience it. There are three kinds of pain emotional pain, spiritual pain and physical pain. Emotional pain is pain cause by our bad reaction of the things we seen, heard, taste, smell and touch. Our emotion can be controlled through internalized our sensual action or knowing our inner self. All our actions are triggered by our psychological, emotional and spiritual understanding.

emoscience: cells creation by Robert T. Sumalpong

emoscience: cells creation by Robert T. Sumalpong: when scientest understand how cells created and how it will die. they will understand that it is the system of reaction from emotion. whethe...

Lunes, Nobyembre 24, 2014

emoscience: emotionsm by robert t. sumalpong

emoscience: emotionsm by robert t. sumalpong: emotionsm is word used for the creation of new things from ideas to invention. from theory to physical facts. it is called the creation of n...

emotionsm by robert t. sumalpong

emotionsm is word used for the creation of new things from ideas to invention. from theory to physical facts. it is called the creation of new things. within our mind from the sense of determination of something new.

Lunes, Oktubre 27, 2014

emoscience: system of life by Robert T. Sumalpong

emoscience: system of life by Robert T. Sumalpong: each of us has different system in life that we followed and used. these will determined the growth, success, understanding and health on ou...

emoscience: system of life by Robert T. Sumalpong

emoscience: system of life by Robert T. Sumalpong: each of us has different system in life that we followed and used. these will determined the growth, success, understanding and health on ou...

system of life by Robert T. Sumalpong

each of us has different system in life that we followed and used. these will determined the growth, success, understanding and health on our life. we must be watchful of the system of life we choose to follow in order for us to determine the outcome of it. by R.T.S.