Lunes, Mayo 25, 2015

emoscience: The science of creation by Robert T. Sumalpong

emoscience: The science of creation by Robert T. Sumalpong: creation is an explanation of compound and complex sciences. it is the law where everything is circulated. when we believe on the discoverie...

Biyernes, Mayo 22, 2015

emoscience: The science of creation by Robert T. Sumalpong

emoscience: The science of creation by Robert T. Sumalpong: creation is an explanation of compound and complex sciences. it is the law where everything is circulated. when we believe on the discoverie...

The science of creation by Robert T. Sumalpong

creation is an explanation of compound and complex sciences. it is the law where everything is circulated. when we believe on the discoveries and study of science, then we must recognize the fact about creation. it is because it explains a lot about everything and it also tells the relation of each spices. creation is a compilation of truth, laws, intelligence, knowledge and wisdom of a supreme being, who is capable of doing eternal things to happen. studying the doctrine of creation will teach us to discover our own ability and understand our responsibility on the things that is given to us by the creator of all things. as i observe and study the wind, sky, stars, moon, sun, mountain, trees, animals space, time plants, stones, energy, forces, etc. i learn that they have one thing in common. which i learn that these law is present to all of his creation and that is the law of emotion, which i found out that all of his creation has reaction which is come from the system of emotion. by R.T.S.

emoscience: Law of procreation by Robert T. Sumalpong

emoscience: Law of procreation by Robert T. Sumalpong: the law of procreation explains the origin of human race, animals, plants, elements, matters, forces and energy. it also explain the differe...

Miyerkules, Mayo 20, 2015

emoscience: Law of procreation by Robert T. Sumalpong

emoscience: Law of procreation by Robert T. Sumalpong: the law of procreation explains the origin of human race, animals, plants, elements, matters, forces and energy. it also explain the differe...

Law of procreation by Robert T. Sumalpong

the law of procreation explains the origin of human race, animals, plants, elements, matters, forces and energy. it also explain the different kind of mixtures and the law of complexity. their are mixtures that are dimensional, parallel, inline and circular mixture. which most scientist observe only on circular mixture that is the reason that they can not completely comprehend the law of complexity. by R.T.S.

Linggo, Abril 12, 2015

emoscience: Why we have different version of the world and mea...

emoscience: Why we have different version of the world and mea...: do you know why we have different version of the world in different languages? and why translation is needed in order for everyone to unders...

Martes, Abril 7, 2015

emoscience: The difference between secrecy and sacredness. By ...

emoscience: The difference between secrecy and sacredness. By ...: we think that secrecy is important to make us feel happy. secrecy is the source of all selfishness and chaos in our life. although there are...

The difference between secrecy and sacredness. By Robert T. Sumalpong

we think that secrecy is important to make us feel happy. secrecy is the source of all selfishness and chaos in our life. although there are things that need to be keep in secret in order for us to become comfortable but still we need to understand that secrecy comes from the negative side and will lead us to curiousness and eagerness to know more. we become unsatisfied when something is keep in secret. even though everyone of us has secret in life but we need to realize that our secret give us bondage from the past. and will keep us make become unhappy. These are the things i discover that those people who keep many secret has live an unhealthy lifestyle. while sacredness is different sacredness is a way of discipline. it is the lifestyle of Godhood. and a learning to treasure which is good for yourself and to other too. sacredness are the things that lead us to more abundance of greater knowledge and wealth. it is the way of training ourselves on the things the we may think impossible but it is really possible when we understand how it done and created. by R.T.S.

emoscience: Why we have different version of the world and mea...

emoscience: Why we have different version of the world and mea...: do you know why we have different version of the world in different languages? and why translation is needed in order for everyone to unders...

Why we have different version of the world and meaning? by Robert T. Sumalpong

do you know why we have different version of the world in different languages? and why translation is needed in order for everyone to understand? there are different version or form of translation that we need to consider. there are literal translation of everything, physical translation of everything, doctrinal translation of everything, spiritual translation of everything, emotional translation of everything, psychological translation of everything, scientific translation of everything and numerical translation of everything. these are the reason why we have a hard time of understanding the world because of the translation we used in life to explain the world. by R.T.S.

Sabado, Abril 4, 2015

emoscience: What is life? by Robert T. Sumalpong

emoscience: What is life? by Robert T. Sumalpong: life is a journey of understanding. and because of understanding how we understand, will lead us on how we can gather wealth in our self. an...

What is life? by Robert T. Sumalpong

life is a journey of understanding. and because of understanding how we understand, will lead us on how we can gather wealth in our self. and our standing in life depends on the level of understanding we attain. No one is made to have perfect understanding of all things. even Gods has continued to grow their understanding of everything. that is one of the reason we become mortal to experience the law and principles of physical matters and so on. even-though physical matters is created by the spiritual matters but still we need it in order for us to grow in all things. by R.T.S.

Biyernes, Abril 3, 2015

emoscience: system of emotion by Robert T. Sumalpong

emoscience: system of emotion by Robert T. Sumalpong: what is mean system of emotion? emotion is commonly known as the reaction or in other words it is the feelings. this are most people think a...

system of emotion by Robert T. Sumalpong

what is mean system of emotion? emotion is commonly known as the reaction or in other words it is the feelings. this are most people think about emotion. this are not only the true meaning of emotion. yes before it was the things i think is the meaning of emotion but when i started to dig deeper about it i realize that it has a deeper and wider view and that is the system of emotion that most people think it is from the lymbic system when in fact it is not the system of emotion system of emotion is compose of four factor that create the entire life of each organism and non organism.