Miyerkules, Agosto 12, 2015

Phytonimic therapy By Robert T. Sumalpong

phytonimic therapy is the most highly advance medicinal practices in ancient time and in the first group of human being in the first and oldest world, that is been created by God before. that is the reason they live in mortality in many century before they leave their mortal lives and transform into a higher beings. and because of this medical practices they created many highly advance technology that is been related to the transformation of mortal body into a higher being. by Phytonologist R.T.S. phytonimic therapy is compose of many different method of medicinal discipline. some of its discipline is using the technology of all sorts of tones, from symphonic tones and melody upto the the natures tonic energy movement.

Martes, Agosto 11, 2015

EMOCLEANSING THERAPY BY Emologist Robert T. Sumalpong

emocleansing is one of the most highly advance medicinal therapy that is been use in ancient times. this one of the reasons that some people in the bible live in mortality in almost one thousand years old. because of this kind of medicinal practices they unlock the Godly knowledge on how to use the God sciences to be applied to human being and to all of the God's creation. they create the system that is been connected to the law of nature to make their living in a highly advance and so complicated to understand by people who do not know how this Emocleansing works. emocleansing is compose of four way of practices which uses the physical law, emotional law, spiritual law and psychological law. they integrate the four practices and form an emotional system which they called nature of emotion. in which they unlock the knowledge how mortal life live longer and still become strong and healthy through these way of system. they begun to extract and purify their emotion to create a strong, healthy environment and life. If all scientist today will study these form of practices they will understand why people in ancient times create things in so much greatness and very complicated way. they will learn to understand how to create longevity of life in a scientific processes. by Emologist R.T.S.

Huwebes, Hulyo 2, 2015

emoscience: Mistery and Wars of Gods by Robert T. Sumalpong

emoscience: Mistery and Wars of Gods by Robert T. Sumalpong: This book is base on my dreams and visions about the things that happened in the place where Gods and goddesses live. It also tells the stor...

Martes, Hunyo 23, 2015

emoscience: what is truth and what is deception by Robert T. S...

emoscience: what is truth and what is deception by Robert T. S...: every study, theory, speculation and even the truth we believe in will have a possibility to become false. depending on how we view and inte...

what is truth and what is deception by Robert T. Sumalpong

every study, theory, speculation and even the truth we believe in will have a possibility to become false. depending on how we view and integrated it. that is why I am inviting everyone to know beyond the truth in order for us to have a deeper understanding of everything and will not be deceive by our own failure of knowing the higher truth which is now we know us complex matter. by emologist R.T.S.

Biyernes, Mayo 29, 2015

emoscience: sceneteranous synthesis by Robert T. Sumalpong

emoscience: sceneteranous synthesis by Robert T. Sumalpong: humidity is one of many reaction on the environmental emotion. it is a process where elements changes there natural behavior to form new rea...

sceneteranous synthesis by Robert T. Sumalpong

humidity is one of many reaction on the environmental emotion. it is a process where elements changes there natural behavior to form new reaction. it creates an extraction of compound elements in the environmental body. these process is called scenteranous synthesis. by R.T.S.

Lunes, Mayo 25, 2015

emoscience: The science of creation by Robert T. Sumalpong

emoscience: The science of creation by Robert T. Sumalpong: creation is an explanation of compound and complex sciences. it is the law where everything is circulated. when we believe on the discoverie...

Biyernes, Mayo 22, 2015

emoscience: The science of creation by Robert T. Sumalpong

emoscience: The science of creation by Robert T. Sumalpong: creation is an explanation of compound and complex sciences. it is the law where everything is circulated. when we believe on the discoverie...

The science of creation by Robert T. Sumalpong

creation is an explanation of compound and complex sciences. it is the law where everything is circulated. when we believe on the discoveries and study of science, then we must recognize the fact about creation. it is because it explains a lot about everything and it also tells the relation of each spices. creation is a compilation of truth, laws, intelligence, knowledge and wisdom of a supreme being, who is capable of doing eternal things to happen. studying the doctrine of creation will teach us to discover our own ability and understand our responsibility on the things that is given to us by the creator of all things. as i observe and study the wind, sky, stars, moon, sun, mountain, trees, animals space, time plants, stones, energy, forces, etc. i learn that they have one thing in common. which i learn that these law is present to all of his creation and that is the law of emotion, which i found out that all of his creation has reaction which is come from the system of emotion. by R.T.S.

emoscience: Law of procreation by Robert T. Sumalpong

emoscience: Law of procreation by Robert T. Sumalpong: the law of procreation explains the origin of human race, animals, plants, elements, matters, forces and energy. it also explain the differe...

Miyerkules, Mayo 20, 2015

emoscience: Law of procreation by Robert T. Sumalpong

emoscience: Law of procreation by Robert T. Sumalpong: the law of procreation explains the origin of human race, animals, plants, elements, matters, forces and energy. it also explain the differe...

Law of procreation by Robert T. Sumalpong

the law of procreation explains the origin of human race, animals, plants, elements, matters, forces and energy. it also explain the different kind of mixtures and the law of complexity. their are mixtures that are dimensional, parallel, inline and circular mixture. which most scientist observe only on circular mixture that is the reason that they can not completely comprehend the law of complexity. by R.T.S.

Linggo, Abril 12, 2015

emoscience: Why we have different version of the world and mea...

emoscience: Why we have different version of the world and mea...: do you know why we have different version of the world in different languages? and why translation is needed in order for everyone to unders...

Martes, Abril 7, 2015

emoscience: The difference between secrecy and sacredness. By ...

emoscience: The difference between secrecy and sacredness. By ...: we think that secrecy is important to make us feel happy. secrecy is the source of all selfishness and chaos in our life. although there are...