Linggo, Setyembre 19, 2021

The Power of Opinions in Creating an Emotion of Societies by Emotionist RTS

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since from the begining of human race in this worldly reality, we can spot the different concept of opinions that map the course of different societies situation until at present time. this power of opinions had created the culture of emotions in the communities, societies and to every families of the world. every group of people had their own opinions about family, communities and societies which lead them to form the different kind of connection to each other in avioding possible conflict to each other. and that was the begining of different worldly government in all different scales. opinioons was been used to create peace and chaos to societies. those group of people who were aiming for ruling position of each societies or communities were the originators of peace or chaos. those people who wanted to promote peace and love to their communities and societies formulate their opinions base on creating and environment of joyful citizens. while the people who wanted to have control and power on the communities and societies were those group who uses the tactics and abilities to give havoc and chaotic events to the masses in order to blind those people who do not buy on their opinions about running the communities and societies they belong too.

Sabado, Hulyo 17, 2021

the power of emoscience to life

emoscience create many different power functions to every human life existince depending on how they used it in their own life. emoscience is the different discipline of discovering the sciences of within every human life and its surroundings. one of it is the physiological studies of every physical matter that exist in every living things, which comes from the different compositon of many micro organisms. the elemental figures of the physical body had give great indicators of how the physiological fu nctions of the body been runs by different energy functions in the human body. the power of emoscience to life comes from this basics fundamental functions of living which is the will to live through the psychological discipline, the will to act through the emotional discipline, the will to survive through the spiritual discipline and the will interact through the physical discipline of life.

Lunes, Enero 11, 2021

Miyerkules, Enero 6, 2021

emoscience: life beyond death By. Robert sumalpong

emoscience: life beyond death By. Robert sumalpong: in many years people never try to understand the life beyond death. life is compose of so many laws which help mortality become more colorfu...