Sabado, Hunyo 7, 2014

emoscience: Friction of Emotion by Robert T. Sumalpong

emoscience: Friction of Emotion by Robert T. Sumalpong: Friction of emotion is one way how emotion works in triggering our understanding. Most study of emotion say that emotion is a chemical reac...

Friction of Emotion by Robert T. Sumalpong

Friction of emotion is one way how emotion works in triggering our understanding. Most study of emotion say that emotion is a chemical reaction of our body. Or it is the reflection of the mind. In my own discovery I can say that emotion is the movement on the senses. Which make living and non-living things to react either positively or negatively? In human, emotion is reactions that create feelings. Sometimes we say that feeling is an emotion but it is not an emotion. It is the result of emotion. Friction is understood as the two opposite force of energy that comes together and causes heat. Friction of emotion comes in a different way. Friction of emotion comes through internal reaction between the senses and the mind. The senses are monopolizing the brain to react willfully on its command. Example; when we heard the wonderful beat of music our body moves as the beat registered by our ears. This is one of the example on how our sense of hearing monopolizing the mind to react upon its command. Friction of emotion is part of humans existing. There are times that friction of emotion gives good credit to humans. And there are times causes humans to do bad things. There are possibilities that emotion can cause unhealthy behavior. This will happen when we did not mindful of our emotional behavior. There are times we can’t control emotion. And these are common to everyone. As we grow we are going to learn to control the reaction of our emotion. Many times I ride bus in going to work and in going home. Being a passenger I always observe the emotional reaction of other passenger on every situation of the bus. There are times the bus driver drive the bus so fast. And the other passenger reactions are so tense. Others can’t hold there emotion and say to the driver that please drive the bus in normal way. One time I set near at the driver’s seat so that I could observe on the driver and his emotional reaction while driving. And my purpose on observing the driver is how his emotion affects his way of driving the bus. As I observe the driver I realize that his sense of sight, sense of hearing and sense of touch are the things commanding him to work accurately. And when his three senses combined he become so connected to his emotion and cause him to work normally.

Miyerkules, Hunyo 4, 2014

emoscience: basic fundamental on creating unique business By R...

emoscience: basic fundamental on creating unique business By R...: as i observe on how businesses works? why it fail? and what makes unique business excel? most businesses that start small had a hard time gr...

Sabado, Mayo 31, 2014

emoscience: basic fundamental on creating unique business By R...

emoscience: basic fundamental on creating unique business By R...: as i observe on how businesses works? why it fail? and what makes unique business excel? most businesses that start small had a hard time gr...

basic fundamental on creating unique business By Robert T. Sumalpong

as i observe on how businesses works? why it fail? and what makes unique business excel? most businesses that start small had a hard time grow. why it will having a hard time to grow? because it need a unique mind to make your product unique and salable to costumer. you need a unique marketing strategy that never been discover by all existing businesses. you need to make your accounting simple and easy to understand. you need to make the working environment simple and comfortable to each worker.

emoscience: emoscience: perception of progress and its effect ...

emoscience: emoscience: perception of progress and its effect ...: emoscience: perception of progress and its effect on humans be... : the word progress is defined as growth. every person has his own way of ...

emoscience: emoscience: the principles of great success in thi...

emoscience: emoscience: the principles of great success in thi...: emoscience: the principles of great success in this life by Ro... : in this life we are predestine for success in both temporal things and s...

emoscience: four aspect that brings happiness to a person by R...

emoscience: four aspect that brings happiness to a person by R...: being human we have four aspects that bring us into the state of happiness. many years of observation and study that I make to unveil the fo...

emoscience: Four Method of Understanding by robert T. Sumalpon...

emoscience: Four Method of Understanding by robert T. Sumalpon...: Acknowledgment This book is written upon my inspiration that someday these would help the readers for better understanding of life, the w...

emoscience: Four Method of Understanding by robert T. Sumalpon...

emoscience: Four Method of Understanding by robert T. Sumalpon...: Acknowledgment This book is written upon my inspiration that someday these would help the readers for better understanding of life, the w...

Huwebes, Mayo 29, 2014

emoscience: Four Method of Understanding by robert T. Sumalpon...

emoscience: Four Method of Understanding by robert T. Sumalpon...: Acknowledgment This book is written upon my inspiration that someday these would help the readers for better understanding of life, the w...

emoscience: four aspect that brings happiness to a person by R...

emoscience: four aspect that brings happiness to a person by R...: being human we have four aspects that bring us into the state of happiness. many years of observation and study that I make to unveil the fo...

emoscience: theory on how to cure cancer cells by Robert T. Su...

emoscience: theory on how to cure cancer cells by Robert T. Su...: many years i ask my self why cancer is so difficult to cure. i read on the qualities of cancer cells and the effect of it on humans life. th...

emoscience: theory on how to cure cancer cells by Robert T. Su...

emoscience: theory on how to cure cancer cells by Robert T. Su...: many years i ask my self why cancer is so difficult to cure. i read on the qualities of cancer cells and the effect of it on humans life. th...
emoscience: theory on how to cure cancer cells by Robert T. Su...: many years i ask my self why cancer is so difficult to cure. i read on the qualities of cancer cells and the effect of it on humans life. th...


emoscience: theory on how to cure cancer cells by Robert T. Su...: many years i ask my self why cancer is so difficult to cure. i read on the qualities of cancer cells and the effect of it on humans life. th...

emoscience: quatuor partibus insit tanta felicitas homini a T....

emoscience: quatuor partibus insit tanta felicitas homini a T....: nos qui sumus in quattuor partibus humana beatitudine. multa facere quam revelare observari animadvertique perducat ad aliquem modum ex part...

quatuor partibus insit tanta felicitas homini a T. Sumalpong

nos qui sumus in quattuor partibus humana beatitudine. multa facere quam revelare observari animadvertique perducat ad aliquem modum ex parte usus. His omnibus commune. quod sint diversae sententiae beati? quam felix est ut nobis? Quam ob rem hoc intellegitur non se sic omnium vita et felicitas. omnis qui vult esse beatus. beata autem unumquemque intellectum. multi vero non intelligunt vera felicitas. quousque perveniatur in nostra cognitione beata plenus sapientia. et certa ratione ad beatum beatae vitae dicta physica. questus est etiam de nostra salute beatitudo temporalia. , quod nos, secundum quod est in mente, ad beatitudinem aliqua. factum est per hoc, quod felicitas sit bonum propter lucrum studium scientiae et doctrinae. tertia pars, quae in nobis est, animi felicia felicitatem ad hoc non est in nobis, quia in reactione sunt quinque sensus. qui beatum quarta ratio ad laetitiam spiritualem nominamus. haec afferre beatitudinem per lumen ad nos Christus gaudium a Sancto, lectionem verbi Dei, et inspiratio vel revelatio, accipientes ab alio. carnalis est vera felicitas sit felicitas in novam mutare et ens. quod beatitudo non sit aliquid habere quod vel partem accipere. aliis in hoc mundo sumus, non ut eam partem vitae nostrae ad recipiendum ab aliis. habet a nobis, quae communis est omnibus. ne abscondas. commune est dicere, quod qui in mundo animam suam, et ulterius futuro.

emoscience: vier aspek wat bring geluk aan 'n persoon deur Rob...

emoscience: vier aspek wat bring geluk aan 'n persoon deur Rob...: menswees het ons vier aspekte wat ons bring in die staat van geluk. baie jare van waarneming en studie wat ek van die vir 'n aspek wat &...

vier aspek wat bring geluk aan 'n persoon deur Robert T. Sumalpong

menswees het ons vier aspekte wat ons bring in die staat van geluk. baie jare van waarneming en studie wat ek van die vir 'n aspek wat 'n persoon in die modus van genot bring te onthul. hierdie dinge is algemeen vir almal. daar is baie verskillende menings wat is geluk? hoe die geluk kom in ons lewens? hierdie is die rede waarom ons nie ten volle begryp hoe en waarom geluk is so noodsaaklik is in elkeen se lewe. elke persoon wil om gelukkig te wees. maar elkeen het sy ander begrip op geluk. baie van ons het nie regtig verstaan ​​wat ware geluk. totdat die tyd wanneer ons by ons kennis in 'n volle wysheid oor geluk. die eerste aspek wat bring geluk in ons lewens is fisiese geluk genoem. hierdie geluk is oor ons fisiese gesondheid en ook op om tydelike dinge. tweede aspek wat bring geluk aan ons genoem word geestelike geluk. hierdie geluk is geluk wat deur die leer en kennis wat ons kry as gevolg van studie na ons toe gekom. derde aspek wat bring geluk aan ons is emosionele geluk het hierdie geluk kom om ons as gevolg van die reaksie van ons vyf sintuie. en die vierde aspek wat bring geluk aan ons genoem word geestelike geluk. hierdie geluk is 'n ekstra gewone geluk aan ons sal kom deur die lig van Christus, van die Heilige Gees, die lees van die woorde van God, en wanneer ons persoonlike inspirasie of openbaring van God. ware geluk is die geluk wat kan verander ons vleeslike wese in 'n nuwe en suiwer wese. geluk is nie wat jy ontvang of is dit iets wat jy deel. ons lewe in hierdie wêreld om ons lewens aan ander te deel nie om dit te kry ons dit van ander te ontvang. Elkeen van ons het iets wat gedeel kan word. dit nie om weg te steek. daar is 'n gesegde dat elkeen wat sy lewe gedeel het, sal meer lewe in hierdie wêreld en die wêreld kry om te kom.