Miyerkules, Pebrero 26, 2014

environmental emotion by robert t sumalpong

Environmental emotion has a very big role in playing our sensational life. In my years of study of environmental emotion it shows that places, people, sounds, events and time has a big effect on why we become happy or sad. And it gives me a clearer understanding on how emotion rule our life. Everything in this world has a connection to our senses. We may neglect the importance of sensitivity of our self to the living and non living things that surround us. Sensitivity is the world we use to recognized the emotions of others and to the environment. Emotion is an inner movement of our cells that triggered by positive and negative energy. Negative energy comes from frictional reaction of our cells and to the senses. Sometime our senses sense the negative energy of others that cause as to bad mode or cause as to pain. There are three types of pain which is common to everyone which is physical, emotional and spiritual pain. Physical pain is cause by our inappropriate action. Emotional pain is pain that can’t be seen this is inner pain that cause our inner self to bleed mentally. Most of the time this pain can create many illness to our physical life.

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